Affiliate Programs 101! by BB Lee
Like many eager, smart, entrepreneurs you are searching for quickentry into the online sales market. And you've probably learnedthat joining an affiliate program is an easy way to get started remarkably fast in an online business and generate a good income.
These sophisticated revenue sharing programs are very popular on the net. Is it any wonder this is the way most successful entrepreneurs started. Most of my online business associates use this as a sideline way to generate a reasonable income anywhere from a hundred to several thousand per month.
You should seriously consider joining a good affiliate program Now. Start profiting right away.
Upclose: When you join an affiliate program your task is to promote themerchants services or products on your website or in your ezine.This is easier than you might think because the merchants supplymembers with banners or links back to their site to promote theproduct. Plus they tally up your clicks or sales.
But Beware!
Make sure you understand all the details involved. Avoid shakyMLM programs. Only the first tier group will reap rewards. Avoid any program where you recruit other affiliates. And your earnings are based on a percentage of their profits. Yourprofits plummet if your recruits abandon the program.
Affiliate programs pay their members a fixed amount for eachsale, click through, lead, or banner impression.
Here's a simple breakdown of most payment plans:
-Pay per sale. A commission is paid for each sale yoursite/ezine generates.
-Pay per click through. You receive a payment for each validclick to the sponsors website.
-Pay per lead. You receive a payment for each sales lead for aservice or product.
-Pay per impression. You receive a payment each time a merchantsbanner or link is displayed to the merchants site.
Joining an affiliate program is easy! Just be sure to select anaffiliate program with appropriate services or products thatmatch your targeted audience or are relevant to your websites theme.
If your ezine/website attracts Rugged Out-doors types,you certainly would not display perfume or makeupfor young teen girls.
Or if your ezine/website attracts young teenagers, you certainlywould never display senior citizen products like walkers orvitamins for older adults.
Always read the fine print. Make sure you understand the paymentclause. Many affiliate programs will only send you payment afteryou've accumulated a certain sales amount. Anything from $10.00and up. Beware, if they only pay after you reach $100 or more.This might be a very important fact to consider if your site isrelatively small with few visitors per month. It might takemonths before you receive a payment.
Affiliates might pay every other week, per month or per quarter.You will receive a payment if you reach the minimum balance insales during that pay period. Most balances are accumulative.So, if you do not reach the minimum during one pay period itwill be rolled over to your next pay period and added to anysales balances. Once again, read the fine print in the affiliateagreement when you sign up for pertinent details.
Here are popular affiliate programs.
Clickbank http://www.clickbank.com/
Commission Junction http://www.cj.com/
Share-a-Sale http://www.share-a-sale.com/
Ad Reporting http://www.adreporting.com/
Link Share http://www.linkshare.com/
Like many eager, smart, entrepreneurs you are searching for quickentry into the online sales market. And you've probably learnedthat joining an affiliate program is an easy way to get started remarkably fast in an online business and generate a good income.
These sophisticated revenue sharing programs are very popular on the net. Is it any wonder this is the way most successful entrepreneurs started. Most of my online business associates use this as a sideline way to generate a reasonable income anywhere from a hundred to several thousand per month.
You should seriously consider joining a good affiliate program Now. Start profiting right away.
Upclose: When you join an affiliate program your task is to promote themerchants services or products on your website or in your ezine.This is easier than you might think because the merchants supplymembers with banners or links back to their site to promote theproduct. Plus they tally up your clicks or sales.
But Beware!
Make sure you understand all the details involved. Avoid shakyMLM programs. Only the first tier group will reap rewards. Avoid any program where you recruit other affiliates. And your earnings are based on a percentage of their profits. Yourprofits plummet if your recruits abandon the program.
Affiliate programs pay their members a fixed amount for eachsale, click through, lead, or banner impression.
Here's a simple breakdown of most payment plans:
-Pay per sale. A commission is paid for each sale yoursite/ezine generates.
-Pay per click through. You receive a payment for each validclick to the sponsors website.
-Pay per lead. You receive a payment for each sales lead for aservice or product.
-Pay per impression. You receive a payment each time a merchantsbanner or link is displayed to the merchants site.
Joining an affiliate program is easy! Just be sure to select anaffiliate program with appropriate services or products thatmatch your targeted audience or are relevant to your websites theme.
If your ezine/website attracts Rugged Out-doors types,you certainly would not display perfume or makeupfor young teen girls.
Or if your ezine/website attracts young teenagers, you certainlywould never display senior citizen products like walkers orvitamins for older adults.
Always read the fine print. Make sure you understand the paymentclause. Many affiliate programs will only send you payment afteryou've accumulated a certain sales amount. Anything from $10.00and up. Beware, if they only pay after you reach $100 or more.This might be a very important fact to consider if your site isrelatively small with few visitors per month. It might takemonths before you receive a payment.
Affiliates might pay every other week, per month or per quarter.You will receive a payment if you reach the minimum balance insales during that pay period. Most balances are accumulative.So, if you do not reach the minimum during one pay period itwill be rolled over to your next pay period and added to anysales balances. Once again, read the fine print in the affiliateagreement when you sign up for pertinent details.
Here are popular affiliate programs.
Clickbank http://www.clickbank.com/
Commission Junction http://www.cj.com/
Share-a-Sale http://www.share-a-sale.com/
Ad Reporting http://www.adreporting.com/
Link Share http://www.linkshare.com/