
The Work At Home Parent

The Work At Home Parent

You need to work. You are also a parent. You would love to
spend time with your child and spouse. Enter the world of
the work at home parent. This is a growing phenomena.

Thanks to the advances in technology and the willingness of
many large corporations to allow workers to tele-commute, the
number of parents working from home has increased
substantially within the last decade.

A Mom Or Dad who conducts business at home may do so
primarily for the children. Plus, the ability to
strategically allocate their time between business
and family. And of course it is a tough choice deciding
who will be the parent to work from home.

The parents will most certainly sort through many factors to
arrive at their decision. Most often, the parent who stays
home is the one who is more suited to handling the duel
responsibilities of family and business.

Experts recommend the parents take time to weigh the
consequences of working from home. If the work at home
advantages seem tempting...then this is an opportunity you
should consider.

The main objective of the Work At Home Parent would
be to integrate their work time with parental
responsibilities without a loss in income or
opportunity. Will you lose income by working from
home? Many find working from home makes
up for any income loss.

Experts believe the integration of entrepreneurship with
parenting can be achieved by using time wisely. And adapting
space to suit your business and family needs.

For example taking smaller children with you on business
errands. Scheduling your main work load when the children are
napping or attending school. And of course making your office
kid friendly. Try designing a specific space for the kids to
join you in the office. Set up a play section with books
and papers, pencils, crayons to keep their minds active and busy.

Soon your employers and family will respect and admire your
decision to make your family a priority in your business decisions.

Working from home at your own hours will improve your work
production plus make you a better parent. Try it you might
like it...

If you are a parent looking for a work at home opportunity
take the time to check out the following site. Many of my
newsletter readers have found work at home opportunities
browsing this site.

Homejobstop! The Homejobstop Job Bank is an active job
board specializing in telecommuting and work from home
jobs. In addition to an extensive Job Bank, They offer an
exclusive online guidebook, email update reports, and more.




BB Lee is writer for The NewBizReviews Visit the site for
more work at home ideas, opportunities.
