
Free Advertising Does It Really Work?

Advertising on the Internet is so competitive.
The Competition is staggering, to say the least.
You hope word of mouth will spread news about your product.
Or recommendations by satisfied customers will shift the tide to
rasing customer awareness. But how are you going to attract those
first customers to create customer awareness or buzz about
your product or service if your advertising budget is zero?

Here's a few ways I've discovered to get the word out about your
business for zero dollars.

1. Include information about your business in all letters,
memo's, correspondence. Online and off-line.

For example,
Jane Smith, Owner Perfect Fashions

2. Write Articles. You say you don't know anything about writing?
Or you don't have anything to write about. Think again. Everyone
has knowledge about at least one topic someone else would like
to know about. For instance, that is exactly why you are reading
this very article. Try writing as if you were talking to a friend or
writing a friend a personal letter. Pick a topic and just start
writing until you've finished what you have to write.
Check your spelling and grammar. Read the article out
loud to yourself or a friend. Does the article flow? Does it
make sense? If it meets your approval it’s time to submit to
a few ezine directories.

Here's a few popular article directories:


3. Start an ezine for your customers. Simply include
information on your topic. Write the articles or download
articles found online and copy paste to your ezine.
Writing a ezine would be a good way to
keep customers up to date on your product,
service, or changes on your website. Include
your articles and links back to your website.
Submit your ezine to the various ezine
directories online.
Here's one to get you started:

4. Ad Swaps.
Visit ezine directories and get information on similar ezines
Contact the editor. Request an ad exchange. You place
your ad in their ezine and their ad in your ezine. A winning
situation for both parties.

5. Classified Ads.
It wouldn't hurt to place a few ads every day on the many
classified ad sites online. These days most ads are
submitted via software but surely a few advertisers
still manually submit ads and might read your ad and
click your link to your website. I often click links
to other websites when placing my ad if their
advertisement interest me. This is also a way to
check out the competition.

Advertise Your Business Online.

6. Forums.
Marketers say this is a clever way to get free
advertising. Simply join one of the forums on your
topic. Read the messages and get involved. Answer
a few questions posed by others. Or ask your own
questions and leave a link back to your website.
No blatant advertisers here, this will get you
banned quickly.

Use these free advertising methods to announce your business
to the Internet market!