
Your Business License & Permits

Business License & Permits

To start your small/home business, you might need federal,
state, and local licenses or permits. As the business owner
it is your responsibility to make sure you acquire the
business licenses required by law in your community.

Many business activities will require a license from
federal agencies. And they inclued: Investment firms.
Commercial vehicle operators. Food preparers.

Check with your local government for more.

To file federal taxes, most companies need an Employer
Identification Number. You can download Form SS-4 from the
IRS small business Web site.

For requirements at the state level, check with your
state’s Small Business Development Centers, Chambers of
Commerce, or trade association. To file state taxes,
register with the state’s Treasury Department or Department
of Revenue. If you start a retail business you may also
need a sales tax license. Certain occupations ranging from
lawyers to barbers require industry licenses. And if you’re
selling products like liquor, you may need special permits.

And if you hire employees, you will need to register with
your state’s department of labor. At the local level, talk
to the local city office to learn about what licenses or
permits are required for your business. You may need to
file city or county taxes or get a building permit if
making renovations.

Also check zoning laws before signing a lease for your
business office/location.
