How to Get Started Mystery Shopping
Are you searching for a way to make extra money? Perhaps you’re a student looking for fast cash. Or maybe a stay at home mom, recently down sized, or just looking for extra cash. Join the exciting ranks of the Mystery Shopper aka Secret Shopper, earn quick cash while satisfying your Shopping Addiction. Mystery Shoppers are hired to shop all types of service oriented companies. These might include banks, supermarkets, salons, clothing stores, record shops, ice cream shops, fast food joints, gas stations and more.
Typically companies use the Mystery Shoppers’ findings to improve their services. If you would like to give it a try, read on for the requirements to get you started in this highly rewarding career. And be sure to check out the resource links that follow at the end of this article.
1. You must be very well organized. You must understand how to
orchestrate and co-ordinate your various assignments.
2. You must be able to read and understand assignments. This
is where listening to your high school English teacher will pay
off big time.
3. You must complete assignments on time. Many assignments
have a 24 hour turn around for completion of the evaluation.
4. You must be able to write objectively and precisely.
You will have to write many honest evaluations on the staff
and the store location. A good grasp of the English language
is important.
5. Reliability and trust worthiness are a must. The companies
look for trusty individuals who will complete assignments
6. Access to a compute, Internet, email. Most companies only
contact you through email. So a computer and access to the
Internet is very important.
7. Access to reliable transportation. Many assignments might
require you to travel a long distance. And public transportation
is not available. A reliable vehicle to get you there and back
is mandatory.
8. Digital Camera. Mystery Shopper Companies often require you
to take pictures, in addition to written evaluation, of the location
to submit for review.
It is very easy to find legitimate sites online if you
are diligent and use common sense.
Avoid scam sites who promise thousands working only a
few hours per week.
Resources: Click the Links That Follow
Book on Mystery Shopping
More Information On Mystery Shopping