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How to Start Online Copy Writing Business

(Update 2008)
Web copy writers are in high demand across the Internet.
Why? Most web site owners are busy people concerned with
management and making profits. They do not have the time
to devote to writing persuasive copy to increase sales.
Target these small business owners and your business will

1. Duties. You will write attention grabbing advertising
and marketing copy for small website owners.

2. Experience/Training. You will need writing experience and
the ability to organize your work quickly. The ability to work
with the client and meet their demands on time is an absolute must!

3. Home Office. A full office setup is mandatory. This would
include a high end computer, laser printer, fax, business
telephone line, answering machine.

4. Startup Cost. About $500 and up to advertise and market
your business on the Internet and trade publications specific
to your target audience.

5.Profit potential. Most copy writers who work full time year
round make $50,000 and up per year.

6. Getting Started. Start a direct mail campaign to small
business owners in your community. Advertise in local
newspapers. Place an ad in your local yellow pages. Tell
friends and family about your new business.

7.Set up a web site advertising and demonstrating your
skills to potential clients.

8. Customers. Your best customers would be busy small web site
owners who are looking for an experienced professional to
write persuasive web copy for their site. Target these
clients in the beginning to help you build experience.

9. Visit Business Forums Online and join the discussions.
Answer any questions in your general area of experience and
leave links back to your web-site.

10. Take a workshop on copywriting to sharpen your skills.

Tips: Don’t have time to take a workshop or course get a book
on improving your copywriting skills.

Warnings. Think twice before charging by the job. You might
underestimate the time it takes to complete the task. Instead
charge by the hour. If the job takes longer than planned you
will still be fully compensated for your efforts.