Business Idea: Home Schooling Consultant
Home Business Idea
Home Schooling Consultant
Start-up cost: $300-$1,000
Potential earnings: $15,000-$45,000
Typical fees: $25-$45 per hour
Advertising: School boards, Yellow Pages,
local newspapers
Qualifications: Degree in
education plus a teaching certificate
Equipment needed: Books, teachers’ guides,
monthly planners
The Facts:
Communication, organization, and the ability to
juggle several things at once are needed in this field.
Your job will be to set up the school curriculum and
schedule classes for parents who seek to teach their
children at home instead of in public (or even private)
schools. You could possibly consult for a parent who
doesn’t want the child in the school system for religious
or intellectual reasons, or whose child has to be out
of school for a long period of time due to illness or
injury. If you are establishing a new curriculum,
you will need the ability to evaluate the child’s
skill level. If you are helping the student who is out
for a long period, you will have to communicate with
their original school on a regular basis.
New Article Make Money with Surveys, Blogs

How to Make Real Money with Surveys
Gathered here is a fresh updated list of a few of the
best survey sites online who really pay survey takers
with cash rewards, gift certificates, or points which
might be used to claim rewards. And ...
Read Article
How to Make Money with a Blog
Read Article
New Home Business Articles
Are you searching for a free way to advertise your
home based business? Check out the following tips!
Read Article Here
How to Get Free Education Online
It is easy to get a higher education at a prestigious
university online. Take courses in the comfort of your
home, at your own pace. Study one course or take several
Read Article
How to Make Money Taking Surveys
Make money taking surveys Make money taking surveys
Survey Companies online will pay you real money to give your
honest opinions on various topics. This is an excellent way
to make extra cash working from the comfort of your home.
Read Complete Article Here
New Business Idea: Freelancing

Technology has made it easier to hunt for a job. And many job
hunters are turning to the Internet for their job search.
Most of these job hunters look to online job boards for leads
to openings in their field. With access to a computer just
about anyone is able to hunt online for that new career
opportunity. Let's take a closer look.
Read Complete Article Here
New Business Idea: Packing Biz
Packing/Unpacking Business
Today we have a very mobile society. People move several
times or more in their life times. People move nearly three
times more than in last few decades. Often, these people have
no friends or family member to lend a helping hand. That’s
one reason packing services are very popular. The other is
that society is increasingly dependent on “convenience”
services (i.e., services that save them time or aggravation
so that they can spend their free time doing things
they enjoy).
Your main duties will include packing or unpacking items for
the pending move, labeling items for easy location. You will
also provide the boxes and packing materials for clients this
should be included in your overall charges.
Start up is less than $500. All you need is to print
up a few flyer's to spread the word—and you can place
them at Laundromats, apartment complexes, and with
permission at moving van rental agencies.
Invest small amount in packing supplies as
needed. More after acquiring first customers.
Consider underbidding similar more experienced packaging
competition in the area(check competitors price) until you gain
experience. Charges vary according to the part of the country.
Rates higher in the larger metropolitan cities.
ell organized, know how to pack large to delicate size items,
good business sense.
More Ideas:
Freelancing for a Living/Tips & Ideas...
Read Article Here
New Business Idea: Graphologist
Are Easy To Start For Less Money Than You Might Think!
Check Out Our Latest Entry!
As a handwriting expert, you will work on a contractual
basis with banking institutions and insurance companies,
combing through suspect documents to look for the
nuances that make each individual’s written words
different and distinct. You will identify
and mark each curve of every letter in your
search for similarity, and assist in prosecuting
the guilty forgers once they are apprehended.
You may even have to appear as an expert witness, and
can sell your services to the criminal market in
this manner as well.
To maximize your earning potential as a graphologist,
you would do well to work on a contract basis with
banks and other institutions, but to offer yourself
as an expert witness for hire as well. Expert witnesses
can earn up to $500 per day for their time and opinions
in criminal matters.
Note:You may need certification in some states to
work in federal institutions
Start-up cost: $500-$1,000
Potential earnings: $10,000-$50,000
Typical fees: $30-$50 per hour
Advertising: Classified ads, business publications,newsletters,
Qualifications: Training in character details/nuances of handwriting;
certification would lend greater credibility.
Equipment needed: A good eye, magnifier; some use computer and scanner
to analyze handwriting on the computer.
Are Easy To Start For Less Money Than You Might Think!
Check Out Our Latest Entry!
How to Start Online Copy Writing Business
(Update 2008)
Web copy writers are in high demand across the Internet.
Why? Most web site owners are busy people concerned with
management and making profits. They do not have the time
to devote to writing persuasive copy to increase sales.
Target these small business owners and your business will
1. Duties. You will write attention grabbing advertising
and marketing copy for small website owners.
2. Experience/Training. You will need writing experience and
the ability to organize your work quickly. The ability to work
with the client and meet their demands on time is an absolute must!
3. Home Office. A full office setup is mandatory. This would
include a high end computer, laser printer, fax, business
telephone line, answering machine.
4. Startup Cost. About $500 and up to advertise and market
your business on the Internet and trade publications specific
to your target audience.
5.Profit potential. Most copy writers who work full time year
round make $50,000 and up per year.
6. Getting Started. Start a direct mail campaign to small
business owners in your community. Advertise in local
newspapers. Place an ad in your local yellow pages. Tell
friends and family about your new business.
7.Set up a web site advertising and demonstrating your
skills to potential clients.
8. Customers. Your best customers would be busy small web site
owners who are looking for an experienced professional to
write persuasive web copy for their site. Target these
clients in the beginning to help you build experience.
9. Visit Business Forums Online and join the discussions.
Answer any questions in your general area of experience and
leave links back to your web-site.
10. Take a workshop on copywriting to sharpen your skills.
Tips: Don’t have time to take a workshop or course get a book
on improving your copywriting skills.
Warnings. Think twice before charging by the job. You might
underestimate the time it takes to complete the task. Instead
charge by the hour. If the job takes longer than planned you
will still be fully compensated for your efforts.
New EZ Home Biz Idea!
Are Easy To Start For Less Money Than You Might Think!
Check Out Our Latest Entry!
Private Tutor
Your services may be needed to bring a student up to
speed—and the best part about this type of business is
that it is recession-proof!
As long as there are students, there will be a strong
need for capable individuals to guide them to academic
success. Determine your area of expertise and meet with
teachers in this subject to ask for referrals.
Once you get a few clients, your word of mouth will grow
quickly, and you may find that you need to network with
other tutors to build referral systems of your own.
Start-up cost: $500
Potential earnings: $15,000-$20,000
Typical fees: $10-$20 per hour
Advertising: Classified ads, Yellow Pages, word of mouth
Qualifications: Teaching experience or degree in area of expertise
Equipment needed: Computer, Software, Printer, Telephone
Starting A Home Based Business

10 Things You Will Like About A Home Based Business
(Updated 2008)
Here's a few things I've discovered along the way that you will
like about owning your own home based business.
1.You Are The Boss How many people endure a Boss that
undervalues your contribution to the organization? Or one who
takes credit for your work. More than you might think! Own your
own business and you are the boss! You take the credit win,
lose, or draw.
2. Work The Hours You Want That's right! Suppose your spouse
works the late shift, you would rather be home during daytime to
take care of the children. And you would prefer not putting the
children into day care? If you are self employed, you can easily
re-schedule your work to fit your family situation.
3.No Long Commute A friend once spent 4 hours commuting to work
each day. Talk about stress. She was tired before the work day
began! Say goodbye to the long commute when you are
self-employed. Your longest commute might be from one the
bedroom to your home office.
4. Goodby Office Politics. Have you experienced office
politics? The co-workers positioning themselves with power
figures to move up in the organization.
5. Less Stress Working in a familiar home environment will
reduce your stress load. At home, you work at your own pace. If
work gets hectic, you take a break. Put your feet up and relax.
6. Dress Codes No more confining business suits, uniforms, or
conforming to a stiff dress code. If you handle all your
business over a computer or the telephone Dress The Way You Like!
7. Spend More Time With Your Family This is a great opportunity
to get the family involved in your business. And spend more
quality time together.
8. Use A Skill You've Never Had The Opportunity To Use You have
ample opportunity to use your marketing skills, managing skills,
accounting skills, people skills, sales skills, computer skills,
and many other task you've been itching to try.
9. Realize Your Business Goals You've taken that first difficult
step toward personal and business success. By Striking out on
your own and starting a home based business.
10. Boost Self Esteem You now have more control over your
financial and personal future. This will lead to a boost in your
self esteem on many levels.
These are only a few of the things you will like about owning a
home based business. Once you've started your own business you
will add many more to the list!
Hot Ten Home Based Biz Ideas

(Check out this updated article which list the Top 10 Online Home Biz Ideas)
Hot Online Home Business Ideas
(That You Can Start For Free!)
Here are several super easy ways to earn money online with
a part time or full time home based business. These hot biz
ideas are yours for the taking. The business ideas do not
involve enormous startup money or experience. These are not
overnight get rich quick schemes or gimmicks. These are real
business ideas that are making money for people just
like you!
1. Info Products. So, you own a computer. You are a writer.
You've been kicking around this idea about writing a book.
Oh, you think. There's writing, then searching for a publisher.
And the waiting game. That was then. This is now. Consider
publishing your idea in ebook format. Find an angle, write
fresh, original material. Package in a PDF file. Then
join LuLu an online publisher. They host your book
and even handle the sales for a small percentage
fee. http://www.lulu.com
2. Writing Articles. Are you an experienced writer? Many
writers are making money ghost writing articles for
business owners online. It's fairly easy to get started. Set
up a web page advertising your services. Visit Helium Market
Place for paid to write opportunities.
3. Blogging. Set up a blog. Update it regularly with information
on a hot topic. It should be a topic you enjoy writing about
on a continual basis or the blogging will turn into a chore.
Once you've gained an audience and traffic to your blog. You
could easily charge for others to advertise on your blog or
join Google's Adsense Program. Adsense will pay you each time
a visitor clicks on their ads. Many successful bloggers are
making several hundred dollars a month passive income this way!
4. Online Affiliate Programs. Affiliate programs are
very popular among new marketers because it is an easy ways to
start an online business and generate instant income from your
website. These revenue sharing programs are great starting point
for the newbie online. And is the way many new entrepreneurs
started! When you join an affiliate program your task is to
promote the merchants services or products on your website
or in your zine. This is easier than you might think because
the merchants supply members with banners, ad copy, or links
back to their site to promote the product. Plus they tally up
your clicks or sales. Clickbank has been around for awhile.
Get started http://tinyurl.com/3ya9rx
5. Surveys For Money. Many legitimate ways exist to make
anywhere from $1 to $125 taking surveys online. This is an
excellent way to make extra income. Join a dozen survey sites
to increase your income. If you are selected to participate in
a special focus group you will receive the most money.
6. Online Mystery Shopping. Mystery Shopping is now online.
Several Mystery Shopper Companies now recruit shoppers to
visit websites and scrutinize their sales literature, display,
ease of purchases or on site navigation. Most require
a later model computer with high speed Internet
access. The pay is comparable to what the off line
shopper might earn. Search Google for Mystery
Shopping Companies. Visit this site for info on
getting started Mystery Shopping online or offline.
7. Auction Profits! People often wonder if there is a really legitimate
way to make income online? Did you know thousands have taken
their business to the "Net" selling used items! Auctions are
hot sellers and here to stay. For example, many get started
selling an unused item collecting dust in their home for a
little fast cash. Or even search flea markets for items they
buy low and sell higher at an online Auction site like ebay.
Register for an account at ebay, get your personal ID and
you are ready to buy or sell!
8. Work from home online. Several
companies are actively recruiting home based customer service
or call center agents to answer callers questions about client
company services or products. Requirements are high end computer,
high speed Internet access, and Internet experience. Alpine
Access is one site that recruits call center agents.
9. Click and make money. This is an interesting way to make
money. You will certainly not get rich but you will earn
a few extra dollars each month. Recruit others and you will
triple your earnings. You simply surf to designated website
reviewing the ads. You are paid each time you click on a ad
and surf to the site. You are also paid for your downline.
Each time they surf and click you earn a percentage of their
payout. http://www.clixsense.com/?2092620
10. Search & Get Paid.
Win With Winzy. A simple concept. Use their search engine. Get
money or prize for each search.
Thousands of Online jobs are available on the Internet. Access to a
computer and Internet is the primary requirement. A fast Internet
connection is second. Searching for home business opportunities
on the Internet will open up a whole new world of possibilities
just for you. So, what are you waiting for? Get Started Now!
Keys to Getting Started Mystery Shopping

How to Get Started Mystery Shopping
Are you searching for a way to make extra money? Perhaps you’re a student looking for fast cash. Or maybe a stay at home mom, recently down sized, or just looking for extra cash. Join the exciting ranks of the Mystery Shopper aka Secret Shopper, earn quick cash while satisfying your Shopping Addiction. Mystery Shoppers are hired to shop all types of service oriented companies. These might include banks, supermarkets, salons, clothing stores, record shops, ice cream shops, fast food joints, gas stations and more.
Typically companies use the Mystery Shoppers’ findings to improve their services. If you would like to give it a try, read on for the requirements to get you started in this highly rewarding career. And be sure to check out the resource links that follow at the end of this article.
1. You must be very well organized. You must understand how to
orchestrate and co-ordinate your various assignments.
2. You must be able to read and understand assignments. This
is where listening to your high school English teacher will pay
off big time.
3. You must complete assignments on time. Many assignments
have a 24 hour turn around for completion of the evaluation.
4. You must be able to write objectively and precisely.
You will have to write many honest evaluations on the staff
and the store location. A good grasp of the English language
is important.
5. Reliability and trust worthiness are a must. The companies
look for trusty individuals who will complete assignments
6. Access to a compute, Internet, email. Most companies only
contact you through email. So a computer and access to the
Internet is very important.
7. Access to reliable transportation. Many assignments might
require you to travel a long distance. And public transportation
is not available. A reliable vehicle to get you there and back
is mandatory.
8. Digital Camera. Mystery Shopper Companies often require you
to take pictures, in addition to written evaluation, of the location
to submit for review.
It is very easy to find legitimate sites online if you
are diligent and use common sense.
Avoid scam sites who promise thousands working only a
few hours per week.
Resources: Click the Links That Follow
Book on Mystery Shopping
More Information On Mystery Shopping
How To Spot Work At Home Scams!
Work at home scams are rampant on the Internet. Just
surf around to various sites and you will see a multitude
of outrageous offers. In-boxes are clogged with offers
for work at home jobs that sound
too good to be true.
These work at home scams bait people with attractive money
making offers through easy to operate home based jobs. Even
the most savvy Internet surfer has fallen prey to these clever
con artist. How might you avoid these manipulative con artist
and easily identify a fraudulent work at home offer?
Read the following warning signs.
1. No Details.
The company or web-site never actually tells you
what the job involves. Only that you will make thousands
per week working for their organization.
2. Secret Plans.
An ad might read, “Keep details of these work at home
plans secret. This offer is for a highly selective few.”
If the offer is so lucrative, wouldn’t the company benefit
if they spread the word about the business.
3.Get Rich Quick!
“Thousands per week. No experience. No hard work.”
Every startup requires a bit of sweat equity and experience
to profit. If it were that easy everybody
would be doing it!
4. Pressure.
Time restraints. For example, “Buy our Data Processing
Software now to get started on our program.” Ask yourself why?
If it’s a good business idea wouldn’t they only profit
by continuing to offer the software instead
of removing it from the market.
5. Today Only!
Once again, if it’s good venture today it should be a
good venture tomorrow.
6. If It Sounds Too Good To Be True.
It probably isn’t any good or true.
7. Last Chance.
Why? This is a sure sign they are a shady operation.
Once people are aware about the scam they relocate to
another web-site and under a new name
to pitch their fraudulent deal to new victims.
Make sure to use the information in this article
when you are reviewing a work at home offer to avoid
getting scammed.
BB Lee (C)2008
Join Our Newsletter!
Online Home Business Ideas
(That You Can Start For Free!)
Here are several super easy ways to earn money online with a part
time or full time home based business. These hot biz ideas are
yours for the taking. The business ideas do not involve enormous
startup money or experience. These are not overnight get
rich quick schemes or gimmicks. These are real business ideas
that are making money for people just like you!
1. Info Products. So, you own a computer. You are a writer.
You've been kicking around this idea about writing a book.
Oh, you think. There's writing, then searching for a publisher.
And the waiting game. That was then. This is now. Consider
publishing your idea in ebook format. Find an angle, write
fresh, original material. Package in a PDF file. Then
join LuLu an online publisher. They host your book
and even handle the sales for a small percentage
2. Writing Articles. Are you an experienced writer? Many writers
are making money ghost writing articles for business
owners online. It's fairly easy to get started. Set up a web page
advertising your services. Visit Helium Market Place for
paid to write opportunities. Or check out the following sites
for job leads:
3. Blogging. Set up a blog. Update it regularly with information
on a hot topic. It should be a topic you enjoy writing about
on a continual basis or the blogging will turn into a chore.
Once you've gained an audience and traffic to your blog. You
could easily charge for others to advertise on your blog or
join Google's Adsense Program. Adsense will pay you each time a visitor
clicks on their ads. Many successful bloggers are making
several hundred dollars a month passive income this way!
4. Online Affiliate Programs. Affiliate programs are very
popular among new marketers because it is an easy ways to start
an online business and generate instant income
from your website. These revenue sharing programs are great
starting point for the newbie online. And is the way many new
entrepreneurs started! When you join an affiliate program your task is
to promote the merchants services or products on your website or
in your zine. This is easier than you might think because the
merchants supply members with banners, ad copy, or links back to their
site to promote the product. Plus they tally up your clicks or
sales. Clickbank has been around for awhile. Get started
5. Surveys For Money. Many legitimate ways exist to make anywhere from
$1 to $125 taking surveys online. This is an excellent
way to make extra income. Join a dozen survey sites to
increase your income. If you are selected to participate in a
special focus group you will receive the most money.
Visit this site for a free article and ebook on how to take
surveys for money. http://www.geocities.com/newbizreviews
6. Online Mystery Shopping. Mystery Shopping is now online.
Several Mystery Shopper Companies now recruit shoppers to visit
websites and scrutinize their sales literature, display,
ease of purchases or on site navigation. Most require
a later model computer with high speed Internet
access. The pay is comparable to what the off line
shopper might earn. Search Google for Mystery
Shopping Companies. Visit this site for info on
getting started Mystery Shopping online or offline.
7. Auction Profits! People often wonder if there is a really legitimate
way to make income online? Did you know thousands have taken
their business to the "Net" selling used items! Auctions are
hot sellers and here to stay. For example, many get started
selling an unused item collecting dust in their home for a
little fast cash. Or even search flea markets for items they
buy low and sell higher at an online Auction site like ebay.
Register for an account at ebay, get your personal ID and
you are ready to buy or sell!
8. Work from home online. Several
companies are actively recruiting home based customer service
or call center agents to answer callers questions about client
company services or products. Requirements are high end computer,
high speed Internet access, and Internet experience. Alpine
Access is one site that recruits call center agents.
9. Click and make money. This is an interesting way to make
money. You will certainly not get rich but you will earn
a few extra dollars each month. Recruit others and you will
triple your earnings. You simply surf to designated website
reviewing the ads. You are paid each time you click on a ad
and surf to the site. You are also paid for your downline.
Each time they surf and click you earn a percentage of their
payout. http://www.clixsense.com/?2092620
10. Search & Get Paid.
Win With Winzy. A simple concept. Use their search engine. Get
money or prize for each search.
Thousands of Online jobs are available on the Internet.
Access to a computer and Internet is the primary
requirement. A fast Internet connection is second.
Searching for home business opportunities on the
Internet will open up a whole new world of possibilities
just for you. So, what are you waiting for? Get Started Now!
BB Lee is writer for Newbizreviews
The Work At Home Parent
You need to work. You are also a parent. You would love to
spend time with your child and spouse. Enter the world of
the work at home parent. This is a growing phenomena.
Thanks to the advances in technology and the willingness of
many large corporations to allow workers to tele-commute, the
number of parents working from home has increased
substantially within the last decade.
A Mom Or Dad who conducts business at home may do so
primarily for the children. Plus, the ability to
strategically allocate their time between business
and family. And of course it is a tough choice deciding
who will be the parent to work from home.
The parents will most certainly sort through many factors to
arrive at their decision. Most often, the parent who stays
home is the one who is more suited to handling the duel
responsibilities of family and business.
Experts recommend the parents take time to weigh the
consequences of working from home. If the work at home
advantages seem tempting...then this is an opportunity you
should consider.
The main objective of the Work At Home Parent would
be to integrate their work time with parental
responsibilities without a loss in income or
opportunity. Will you lose income by working from
home? Many find working from home makes
up for any income loss.
Experts believe the integration of entrepreneurship with
parenting can be achieved by using time wisely. And adapting
space to suit your business and family needs.
For example taking smaller children with you on business
errands. Scheduling your main work load when the children are
napping or attending school. And of course making your office
kid friendly. Try designing a specific space for the kids to
join you in the office. Set up a play section with books
and papers, pencils, crayons to keep their minds active and busy.
Soon your employers and family will respect and admire your
decision to make your family a priority in your business decisions.
Working from home at your own hours will improve your work
production plus make you a better parent. Try it you might
like it...
If you are a parent looking for a work at home opportunity
take the time to check out the following site. Many of my
newsletter readers have found work at home opportunities
browsing this site.
Homejobstop! The Homejobstop Job Bank is an active job
board specializing in telecommuting and work from home
jobs. In addition to an extensive Job Bank, They offer an
exclusive online guidebook, email update reports, and more.
BB Lee is writer for The NewBizReviews Visit the site for
more work at home ideas, opportunities.
Search Engine Tactics
As the search engines are evolving each and every day, it's getting
harder and harder to get top search engine rankings.
The search engines now, highly favor, websites that have a
large number of quality, one way links pointing to them.
Because of this, it's absolutely critical that we consistently
try to get other websites to link to us, WITHOUT
us linking back to them.
Yes, reciprocal linking is becoming less and less valuable.
Submitting your website to website directories is an excellent
way to get, quality, 1 way links pointing to your websites.
You see, many of the website directories online have....
a high amount of page rank and have been online for several years.
These are 2 of the most important criteria for determining
what a good link is, vs what a bad link is. These two criteria are:
The age of the website linking to you.
The Page Rank of the website linking to you.
With that said, many of these directories have both a high
Page Rank AND are old websites, giving them more authority and
power in the search engines.
Not only that, but there are literally thousands of website
directories on the internet that are absolutely free for you to
submit your website to! While it does take time to find these
directories and then manually fill out all of the required
criteria to submit your website, it is an excellent way to
help increase your search engine rankings.
There are some good website directory submission software
products on the market. The best of which is a product
called Directory Submitter created by Brad Callen.
Esentially you simply enter your website details into the
software program 1 time, and then click on any of the
1600+ website directories in the software and it wil
automatically fill in all of the submission criteria for
you. Click the submit button and then your site has been
instantly added to the website directory.
So, not only does it save you time in finding all of these
directories, BUT it saves you an incredible amount of time
filling out each and every website's submission criteria.
To learn more about Directory Submitter, visit the link
Go Here For More
But, please keep this to yourself, as I'd like to keep this our secret weapon
Directory Submission Info
These kind of links are exactly what the search engines are looking for. The websites with more quality, one way links are typically the sites that rank the highest, period.
With that said, there are several websites dircetory submission programs on the market. The best and easiest to use is a new program created by Brad Callen, called Directory Submitter.
The software currently contains around 1700 website directories, all free. It is the most straightforward program that we've come across, in that all you need to do is:
1. Input your website details (i.e. title, description, URL, etc.) into the software
2. Click on the directory you want to submit to
And then the program will automatically fill in your website details. Then, you simply click the submit button and your website is instantly submitted to the directory. Then, you can move to the next directory, go through the list, and by the time you're finished you'll have roughly 1500 one way links pointing to your website.
I can't think of an easier way to get links. Of course, if you're going to get links this quickly, it's important to vary your website title (anchor text) every 20-30 links or so, to make things look more natural to the search engines.
You can do this very easily via Directory Submitter when you create your project in the beginning.
The software is constantly being updated and their is an incredible community of users established that all work together to make the software better and better, so you know you're getting great value for the money.
To check out the software, go here:
Finding Personal & Business Freebies Online
(updated 2008)
Author: BB Lee
Are you a Fr*eebie Hunter? Great! The Internet is the perfect
hunting ground for even the pickiest fr*eebie hunter.
Visit the various Fr*eebie sites and you will discover
why those with a passion for f*reebies find f*reebie hunting
on-line very rewarding.
Searching online might turn frustrating if you do not
know the best places to search. This article will focus
on a few of the most popular sites to help you get
The Internet is home to tons of great stuff. Catching a
good deal really depends on the timing. More on that later.
What f-reebies treasures have hunters gathered in on-line hunt? Well,
here goes my research list...business software, business cards,
calendars, coffee mugs, music Cd's,
mouse pads, puzzle games, game software, books, magazines, office
supply samples, cologne samples, vitamins, makeup, shampoo,
hair conditioners, phone cards, tee shirt's, food samples,
weight loss pills, shaving creme, razors, usb flash drives,
computer screen cleaners, and..well just about anything you can imagine!
And for bargain hunting shoppers or those wanting to save money: Look no
further than the Internet. You will discover many freebie sites also
offer money saving coupons. It is truly possible to save two hundred and
up per year off your grocery bill if you are persistent.
Are you ready to get started? Great! Check out
these popular freebie sites.
JustFreeStuff. This site constantly list all the fresh new
finds. Subscribe to the newsletter to get
daily notice. http://www.justfreestuff.com
Freebies Galaxy. This site is updated several times a week with
the latest f-reebies. http://www.freebiesgalaxy.com
Refund Sweepers
Look through the list and order what's interesting or
everything. They also have a coupon board, a refunding board,
bargain board. http://www.refundsweepers.com
Free2try This sites been around for awhile. Packed with f*ree and
trial products. http://www.free2try.com
CoolFreebies. They claim to serve up 130 pages of the week's best
free stuff. Download clip art, fonts, games, midi files.
Favorite products are free phone cards, coupons.
Totally Free Stuff. Loaded with everything from mouse
pads to travel brochures. http://www.totallyfreestuff.com
TeenFreeway This is a great site for the young teen or for
anyone with a teenager in the house. You will find plenty of
cool posters from the latest movies, rockstars, or television shows.
Teen magazine subscriptions, makeup, music downloads. Everything
the average teen would love. http://www.teenfreeway.com
Freebies For Women. Most of their freebies are geared to women.
Print out free note pads, free
calendars, games. http://www.freebiesforwomen.com
Freebie Fix
The name is very descriptive. You will definitely get your
freebie fix here.
Want free stuff and money saving coupons? Check out these
online sites. Download coupons to save money on groceries,
retail items, or online purchases.
Cool Savings
Most of these sites produce a daily, or weekly freebies
newsletter. If you join their list you will get the inside track
on the latest freebies added to the website before
non-subscribers. And of course, you will beat the mad rush for
the latest items. Remember, it's all in the timing!
Most sites offer coupons that you can instantly print
out or download. Take the coupons to your local stores for huge
discounts on your favorite products or use online.
Also, set up a f*ree email account at Yahoo or Hotmail, to
handle all your subscriptions to freebie newsletters and to
receive the acknowledgment responses you will get from your
freebie orders. Some sites are notorious for spamming you
with offers from their sponsors. So be fore-warned. Okay,
Want More Freebies?...Try This! Surf to:
or any of your favorite search engines. Type in freebie or free
samples and the search engine will display thousands of
freebie sites waiting for you to hit them up for some freebies.
Create A Web Site Traffic Rush
Readers Here's Another Great Article From
Our Friends At Online-Profits!....
You have your brand-new web-site up and running. You've
checked all the pages and links. You've submitted your site
to all the search engines. And you've told all your
friends, family, about your new web site. You wait for the
traffic to appear. And you wait...and wait.
You settle back and wonder what went wrong. This has happened to many
new online web-site owners they assume merely creating
their web-site and telling their friends and family is more
than enough to generate targeted traffic to their web-site.
Think Again!
And as a new web-site owner you know that without traffic
your website doesn't even exist. And the money plus time you spend on
creating your site is lost.
So, you think about joining all those specialized programs
that promise to flood your website with traffic and you
envision your profit’s sky rocketing as your web hit meter
zooms to new heights. You soon realize many traffic programs
are bogus. Sure, they give you traffic. Just not the
right kind of traffic.
Actually, what is needed are real targeted visitors. Who
are genuinely interested in what your web-site has to
offer. You certainly do not need web-site visitors forced
to view your pages through one of those traffic exchange
So, what are the true traffic generating ideas?
Read the Following.
1. Add high quality content to your web-site! The search
engines will find your pages and give it a higher position
if your keywords and meta tags are optimized
2. Create an Affiliate Program. Create an affiliate program
for your service or products. Recruit sellers to advertise
your product. Design banners with links leading back to
your web-site. Distribute banners and links to all your
recruits. You and your recruit will share the profits.
3. Publish a Newsletter. Create a publication around your
product or service. People are always looking for free
information on various topics. Submit your newsletter to
all the newsletter directories to attract
subscribers/visitors to your site. These new subscribers
might turn into loyal readers and customers. This is the
type of traffic and visitor you seek.
4. Write Articles. Write on a subject you have direct
knowledge about. Knowledge others would be eager to
read. This will boost your online credibility
and attract visitors to your web-site. Remember, always
include your site name with a link back to your web- site
in your article reference box located at the end of
your article.
5. Pay per Click Search Engines. You pay these search
engines for various keywords used in searches. If you
choose the proper keywords you will receive very targeted
visitors who are interested in your web-site.
6. F*reebies. This might be a report, a book,
software. Sample of your product. Anything to
get people motivated to visit your site. Submit info about
your item to several f*reebie sites.
7. Join a forum. Join a forum that discusses the focus
on your web-site. Join several. Read all the post by
other members. When a forum member ask a question you
have knowledge about, hop right in , and post your answer.
And remember it's perfectly exceptable. To leave a post with
a link back to your web-site. Many forum members will
visit your site out of curiosity. And perhaps become
regular visitors.
(C)2008 Online-Profits. Visit online for more articles!
And do get your traffic generating site for f*ree...Details on
site. http://Online-Profits.bravehost.com
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Tips For Curteous Business E-mail
Tips for Courteous Business E-mail
Be concise, less definitely means more. When you are
answering email you don’t have to include the entire
original message. Your contact person probably has a copy
of your e-mail message.
Experts say messages longer than 100 lines is too long. And
will not be read. Most Business people are too busy to read
your extra long e-mail message. And will delete before
Be careful with attachments. Never open attachments from
unknown sources, which is risky to say the least. You might
open yourself up to a virus. Never send
an e-mail with attachment unless you forewarn the receiver.
Most smart recipients automatically delete e-mails with
strange attachments because of virus threats.
Multiple recipients. Online recipients will get annoyed if
they did not request the information. In fact, they might
consider it S*pam.
Use the Bcc field if you must mail to multiple recipients. A
Bcc is a Blind Copy, a copy that is sent without the other
receivers knowing about it. Never use Cc (Carbon Copy)
when sending to multiple recipients. Every name on th list
is exposed to all recipients.
Address contact properly Don't get too chummy or friendly
with online Business Associates. Overt friendliness is not
appreciated by everyone and is seen as disrespectful by
many. If you are not personal pals don't call them buddy,
pal, chum, or by their first name unless given permission.
Also e-mails to "who it may concern" are not appreciated.
Always check your text, spelling, and remember a business
e-mail is not the time to use those cute little emoticons,
smileys. FYI, LOL, IMHO, or other short phrases. They are
equivalent to chatty slang. They are inappropriate in business
correspondence and leave a bad impression on the receiver.
Formatting rules. Keep it simple. Not all e-mail programs are
created equally. Your recipient might not be able to see
the nice smiley face or fancy Victorian font. Business e-mail
should not be an exercise in art appreciation. Business
e-mail should look professional, so keep it short and
Messages should start with the correct salutation. A "Dear Mr.
Smith" or simple "Hello" would be appropriate. Many people
jump right into the message without a greeting which isn't
good business e-mail etiquette. End your message with
a"Sincerely, "Yours Truly,” or "Best Regards.
Use the tips in this article to lend an air of
professionalism to all your on-line business correspondence.
Article (C)2008 BY oNLINE PROFITS Visit for Info On
Making Money Online http://online-profits.bravehost.com/index.htm
More Online Business Tips
You have your online business up and running. But are you making as much as you could? Do you want to stay at current level or do better and make this a full time income? If you are thinking this way you may want to consider some making some changes.
The first thing to consider would be changing your website or sales letter. There are some sites that offer free content to help attract customers and establish your credibility. Then you have sites that are just one single sales letter. There are many people who believe that the creation of mini sites is better for creating sales. The reason is they don’t have any other content and will concentrate on you message. If you do not feel you write well it is a very worthwhile expenditure to hire someone.
A well written sales letter will pay for itself many times over.
Be sure to keep copies of the older versions of letters since things can change quickly so you will be able to go back to a previous version if you find you are getting less results from the new copy.
Try sending postcards to potential customers. Many people prefer to be contacted by mail and with today’s email having a multitude of offerings a post card very well can set you apart. You do not have to rely strictly on contacting people thru an online medium. There is a world outside of the Internet that can be used very effectively to get customers to read your message.
Can you online business bring repeat customers? What kind of ideas do you have about complimenting products? If someone is happy with a product they purchased from you they will be less hesitant on purchasing again. Be sure to let your current customers know of any new product additions. If you are selling services contact your customers to let them know you are available for work and maybe offer some discount or other incentive to use you again. These repeat and satisfied customers can be great referrals to others about your online business.
You never stop learning. You never know what new information you have may significantly change your business for the better. There are so many manuals that offer advice it would be basically impossible to read them all. Select one or two and really study them, put the ideas to work after you have read them and track the progress.
Try widening your income opportunities. For example if you sell a home repair book, you may also then sell blueprints or a series of common project plans such as a deck, utility shed to name a couple. The trick is to sometimes find a natural connection. Sometimes is may also be profitable to think of a new market to become jointly involved with. Such as home repair book and then become a home loan or construction loan affiliate. It is a matter of finding another target group that can benefit from your service or product.
The final outcome is you want to attract new customers while continually taking care of your current customers. Sometimes it is just a matter of some slight changes that will bring the desired income increase from your online business.
Tips: How To Juggle Your Start Up & Job
This article discusses 3 things you must consider in order to juggle
your job and home based business start-up.
• Manage time carefully
• Avoid conflicts of interest
• Be honest with your employer
Many people who want to start a new small business don’t
have the luxury of devoting themselves to it full-time.
They have to keep working full-time, while
starting their new business on their own time.
If your current employer does not have a policy against
working on the side, here are some suggestions for how to
work on your new business while you’re still employed.
Manage your time carefully. Consider how much work on the
new business you can fit into your schedule, whether it’s
on evenings, weekends, or even a vacation day from your
full-time job.
Avoid conflicts of interest between projects at your job
and in your business.
Don’t use company materials or data from your employer.
Never work for your employer’s competitors or even potential
competitors, because that may be damaging to your own company.
Be honest with your employer. Ask your employer before
pursuing any outside project you think might present a
conflict of interest. If it’s something you
feel you can’t talk about with your employer, it’s probably
a sign you shouldn’t do it.
Business Budget Tips
It’s important to understand the financial makeup of your
business venture to achieve success. And now is the
perfect time to learn to budget for your small business.
Let’s take a look at a way to start the budgeting process.
Take out all your income, financial, statements, and review
them carefully. Now list all the expected expenses for the
next year.
Divide all your expenses into catagorize. Such as debts,
payroll, overhead. Look for spending patterns. Where are
the majority of expenses?
Next start an emergency fund. Add to it regularly.
Use your findings to predict expenditures throughout the
year, monthly, or weekly. Depending on the type of business
you operate. Review and adjust the numbers throughout the
Learn to stick to your budget. And don’t be afraid to seek
professional help from accountants or other financial
by BB Lee
How To Avoid Work At Home Scams!
proliferation of these shady deals shines a bright
light on deceptive advertisers gimmicks.
Deceptive advertisers hawk great work at home opportunities
to unwary victims seeking to cash in on the work at home
craze sweeping the Internet.
After all, who wouldn't like to make extra income working
from the comfort of their home while avoiding traffic
jams, daily commutes, or spending more gas money.
These eager victims buy into the deceptive work at home
schemes consequently losing money. Money that eventually
fills the bank account of the work at home con artist.
To minimize your risk of falling prey to deceptive work
at home ads use sensible precautions along with common sense advises
the Federal Consumer Protection Agency.
According to the Federal Consumer Protection Agency,
the two most common work at home scams are as follows:
1. Envelope Stuffing Scams. Here's a legitimate looking
advertisement you might find online or in a magazine.
"Our Company will pay you up to $5 per envelope stuffed!
Hurry this opportunity will not last long!"
Most work at home envelope stuffing scams look legitimate.
A perfect way to make fast cash!
Now the hard cold facts: It's impossible to
make thousands per week stuffing envelopes a few hours
a day. This is what the promoters of these misleading ads
want you; the unwary victim to believe.
Here's how the scam works: The promoters of the envelope
stuffing scam run an ad in a local paper offering great
work at home opportunities with their company stuffing
envelopes. To get further details about this opportunity
they request respondents send in a small fee. They send
you details on how you can make cash running a similar
ad in your local newspaper or online. Thus joining their
scam operation.
2. Craft/Assembly Scams. I know of one woman, a stay at
home Mom looking to make extra cash. This is the
main reason she answered an ad about assembling pot
holders at home for up to $1,000 per week.
After requesting further information she quickly
learned she would have to purchase the pot holder kits and
a sewing machine from the company to assemble the products.
She was suspicious. Their information
was obviously a sales brochure for the sewing material and
machine. She was right to suspect this company.
Here's how this work at home scam works: After purchasing
the machine and kit the subject would assemble
the pot holders at home then mail them to the company for
approval and payment. What many victims never realize is
that their work will never pass inspection and they will
never receive payment for their work. These companies are
basically selling you a high priced sewing machine with
over priced material.
You will also find similar work at home scams
concering crafting ornaments, jewelry, even
doll furniture.
Avoid scams by asking these important questions.
What are the specific task involved? Will you be on salary
or commission? Who will pay you? How will you be paid? Will
you have to pay for work material?
Also, check the company’s reputation with the local Federal
Consumer Protection Agency.
Use the important information in this article to avoid
the work at home scam game.
BB Lee is a freelance writer and contributor to NewBizReviews.
Your Business License & Permits
Business License & Permits
To start your small/home business, you might need federal,
state, and local licenses or permits. As the business owner
it is your responsibility to make sure you acquire the
business licenses required by law in your community.
Many business activities will require a license from
federal agencies. And they inclued: Investment firms.
Commercial vehicle operators. Food preparers.
Check with your local government for more.
To file federal taxes, most companies need an Employer
Identification Number. You can download Form SS-4 from the
IRS small business Web site.
For requirements at the state level, check with your
state’s Small Business Development Centers, Chambers of
Commerce, or trade association. To file state taxes,
register with the state’s Treasury Department or Department
of Revenue. If you start a retail business you may also
need a sales tax license. Certain occupations ranging from
lawyers to barbers require industry licenses. And if you’re
selling products like liquor, you may need special permits.
And if you hire employees, you will need to register with
your state’s department of labor. At the local level, talk
to the local city office to learn about what licenses or
permits are required for your business. You may need to
file city or county taxes or get a building permit if
making renovations.
Also check zoning laws before signing a lease for your
business office/location.
New Business CheckList
The best place to start in building a business is to ask yourself some basic questions. You may not have all the answers you need right now, but exploring these questions is a good way to spark your thinking and identify the areas you need to research. As you gather the answers, start putting your plan down on paper.
.. What products or services will I provide?
.. Who will be my customers?
.. How will my products and services meet my customers’ needs?
.. What equipment or special skills will I need?
.. How will I advertise or promote my business?
.. Who will be my competitors?
.. How will my business compare with my competitors
.. Where will my business be located?
.. Will I operate my business alone (as a sole proprietor) or as a partnership or
.. Will I need to hire employees?
.. How will I find people to hire?
.. How will I pay them?
.. How much money will I need to start my business?
.. How much money will I need to run the business day-to-day?
.. Where will I get the money to get started? Do I qualify for a personal loan?
.. What kinds of legal regulations will my business have to meet – for example, laws
regarding employees, environmental protection or import/export?
.. What kinds of insurance will I need?
Also keep in mind sources such as the Small Business Administration
will be very helpful in supplying free information on starting a small or home
based business.