
Finding Personal & Business Freebies Online

How To Find Personal & Business Freebies Online
(updated 2008)
Author: BB Lee

Are you a Fr*eebie Hunter? Great! The Internet is the perfect
hunting ground for even the pickiest fr*eebie hunter.

Visit the various Fr*eebie sites and you will discover
why those with a passion for f*reebies find f*reebie hunting
on-line very rewarding.

Searching online might turn frustrating if you do not
know the best places to search. This article will focus
on a few of the most popular sites to help you get

The Internet is home to tons of great stuff. Catching a
good deal really depends on the timing. More on that later.

What f-reebies treasures have hunters gathered in on-line hunt? Well,
here goes my research list...business software, business cards,
calendars, coffee mugs, music Cd's,
mouse pads, puzzle games, game software, books, magazines, office
supply samples, cologne samples, vitamins, makeup, shampoo,
hair conditioners, phone cards, tee shirt's, food samples,
weight loss pills, shaving creme, razors, usb flash drives,
computer screen cleaners, and..well just about anything you can imagine!

And for bargain hunting shoppers or those wanting to save money: Look no
further than the Internet. You will discover many freebie sites also
offer money saving coupons. It is truly possible to save two hundred and
up per year off your grocery bill if you are persistent.

Are you ready to get started? Great! Check out
these popular freebie sites.

JustFreeStuff. This site constantly list all the fresh new
finds. Subscribe to the newsletter to get
daily notice. http://www.justfreestuff.com

Freebies Galaxy. This site is updated several times a week with
the latest f-reebies. http://www.freebiesgalaxy.com

Refund Sweepers
Look through the list and order what's interesting or
everything. They also have a coupon board, a refunding board,
bargain board. http://www.refundsweepers.com

Free2try This sites been around for awhile. Packed with f*ree and
trial products. http://www.free2try.com

CoolFreebies. They claim to serve up 130 pages of the week's best
free stuff. Download clip art, fonts, games, midi files.
Favorite products are free phone cards, coupons.

Totally Free Stuff. Loaded with everything from mouse
pads to travel brochures. http://www.totallyfreestuff.com

TeenFreeway This is a great site for the young teen or for
anyone with a teenager in the house. You will find plenty of
cool posters from the latest movies, rockstars, or television shows.
Teen magazine subscriptions, makeup, music downloads. Everything
the average teen would love. http://www.teenfreeway.com

Freebies For Women. Most of their freebies are geared to women.
Print out free note pads, free
calendars, games. http://www.freebiesforwomen.com

Freebie Fix
The name is very descriptive. You will definitely get your
freebie fix here.

Want free stuff and money saving coupons? Check out these
online sites. Download coupons to save money on groceries,
retail items, or online purchases.



Cool Savings


Most of these sites produce a daily, or weekly freebies
newsletter. If you join their list you will get the inside track
on the latest freebies added to the website before
non-subscribers. And of course, you will beat the mad rush for
the latest items. Remember, it's all in the timing!

Most sites offer coupons that you can instantly print
out or download. Take the coupons to your local stores for huge
discounts on your favorite products or use online.

Also, set up a f*ree email account at Yahoo or Hotmail, to
handle all your subscriptions to freebie newsletters and to
receive the acknowledgment responses you will get from your
freebie orders. Some sites are notorious for spamming you
with offers from their sponsors. So be fore-warned. Okay,
Want More Freebies?...Try This! Surf to:


or any of your favorite search engines. Type in freebie or free
samples and the search engine will display thousands of
freebie sites waiting for you to hit them up for some freebies.

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